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Pastor's Report 2022

Writer's picture: Daniel PelichowskiDaniel Pelichowski

Pastor's Report 2022

First Baptist Church of Gallatin (Presented 12-18-22) Pastor’s Report (Ministry Year End Report 2022): #1 The Word was Preached: 2 Timothy 4:1-2 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. · Sunday Morning Worship Service: o Galatians: Gospel Centered Justification – Completed the 20 Sermon series verse by verse through the entire book on the age-old question about how mankind can become right before a holy God contrasting legalistic works mentality and the God who Justifies! o Christian Friendships: Who, What, Why? – A short series exploring the theme of the importance of Biblical Christian Friendship. o Quick Easter Apologetics: Reasons for all to have confidence about the reality of Christ’s resurrection to encourage believers and challenge unbelievers with a defense of the Christian faith. o Dr. Samuel Parkison shared about his calling to Gulf Theological Seminary in Abu Dhabi and preached a stirring sermon on missions from Romans 15 titled “A Holy Ambition.” o Gospel Motivated Partnerships: We followed up on potential ministry partnerships by exploring the importance of strategic, intentional, and gospel focused partnership and support locally, domestically, and internationally. o CEO Gary Bates of Creation Ministries International continued adding to our apologetics emphasis and preached two messages on creation dealing with dinosaur fossil evidence and examining unbelieving worldview claims while defending the Christian worldview. o Wonderfully Created: Two sermons on the sanctity of life preaching through Psalm 139 coinciding with our VBS theme on the value of God’s creation of mankind in his image. o Abortion Worldviews: Two sermons laying the apologetic worldview foundations leading people either to Pro-Choice or Pro-Life convictions which is especially pronounced in our culture following the recent Dobbs decision. o Downcast: Depression, Anxiety, Despair, Help! – A 4-part series dealing with the very difficult internal struggles people face bringing awareness and biblical clarity and hope for these difficult problems people face. The series was providentially added to with a final sermon titled Vapor Lessons addressing the brevity of life in light of death. o Jude: Discerning Counterfeit Teachers – Pastor Wood concluded his 6-part series dealing with the importance of defending the faith against false teachers. o Matthew 8-17 Kingdom Power: Began our second series through the book of Matthew exploring the amazing miracle working power and authority that King Jesus displayed in his earthly ministry! o Individual Sermons - Multiple one-off single sermons were preached from different passages by various preachers on Sunday morning (Pastor Wood, Scott Earnst, Micah Sidebottom, Kyle Taft, & our DOM Keith Corrick, & Pastor Daniel. · Sunday Evening Prayer Service (& the congregation responded in prayer): o In 2022, Various shorter sermons were preached during our evening prayers service by pastor Daniel, pastor Wood, Scott Earnst, & Kyle Taft. o Sermon texts chosen based on our daily Bible Reading from Robert Murray M’Cheyne with sermons ranging from Revelation, Matthew, Proverbs, Colossians, 1 Timothy, Isaiah, Psalms, Ephesians, 2 Timothy, & 1 Peter… · Monthly business/members meetings: o Understanding our Church Doctrine – Pastor Daniel continued and taught an additional 7 short sermons through the Baptist Faith and Message where we explored our key doctrinal beliefs on important topics about what we affirm together as a church. We plan on continuing through the remaining 5 BF&M 2000 doctrines next year completing all 18 articles. · Reach Youth Group: o Confirming Your Faith: interactive discussion about knowing what you believe (SS). o Life of Christ: Jesus' ministry. o The Gospel Project: Going through the Bible (we went through Genesis and Exodus) while gleaning and applying doctrine. o Studying the 23rd Psalm: Video series with Matt Chandler (SS). o Missions Nights: Discussion and prayer for the Parkison Family, Hill family, NAMB and IMB. o Q&A Nights: Bringing their biblical, cultural and generational questions for discussion. o Topical Lessons: Vaping, Suicide, Bullying, Love, Kindness and more. #2 People were Discipled: Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” · Discipleship Table Talks: 12 additional meetings looking to wrap up a total of just over 60 2-hour discipleship meetings early next year (that we started in 2020). · Co-ed Intentional Discipleship Table Talks: Two additional co-ed table talks semesters (Spring, Fall 2022), 13 new 2-hour meetings on the topics of “what is a healthy church?” And “rediscover church” and also dealing with doctrinal discussions and also discipleship topics such as conflict resolution and peacemaking, and other principles of biblical counseling and discipleship including how people change. · Sunday School Bible Studies: 4 adult co-ed classes (taught by Jim Ruse, Darryl Wilkinson, Darrel Critten, Jeremy Ripple, & Rick Willet), 2 children’s classes (taught by Scott Earnst & Mandi Ripple), and one youth class (taught by Wood Marshall) with great teaching, discussion, prayer and fellowship in all of them! · Weekly staff devotions: with (Daniel, Wood, Bobbi, & Ashley). · Wednesday Pioneer Clubs: with great teaching, discipleship, and evangelism with the Word of God! · Wednesday Reach Youth Group: Weekly meetings splitting the Jr. High and Highschoolers for teaching, discipleship, evangelism. · 1 new baptism and 6 new members were added after going through the membership process and were affirmatively voted into our membership by our congregation and agreed to both our church covenant and doctrine as well as the collective goal for all of us to help one another grow in our discipleship as we follow Jesus together. · Vacation Bible School theme on the sanctity of human life dealing with an apologetics emphasis for our children’s foundation in a biblical worldview… · Some church members attended and many were invited to the 9Marks conference at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in February 2022… · Daniel attended the Together for the Gospel Conference, And an annual ACBC Biblical Counseling Conference for continued growth and edification… · Deacons Meeting – Micah, Darryl, & Mike taught edifying monthly devotions. · Keenagers – Monthly edifying teaching and discussion led by Doug & Shirley Laney. · Missionary video devotion and prayer: Pastor Daniel led devotion and Wood and other members of our church prayed for IMB missionaries in the Asia Pacific Rim. · Pastor Daniel & Wood had a weekly pastor’s meeting for service review, service planning, and pastoral leadership discussion and prayer for our church. · Pastor Daniel’s Weekly Encouragement & Accountability meeting with another pastor friend. · Pastor Wood had a regular phone meeting with another pastor he has been encouraging in his ministry. · Pastor Daniel & Wood - Practical Shepherding Bi-Monthly Level-2 Cohort Meeting with other pastors and a pastor mentor in 2022 (about 20 meetings). · Pastor Daniel & Wood - Practical Shepherding Pastors Retreat March 2022… · Daniel – Completed all 50 Hours of Biblical Counseling Supervision through ACBC and was certified as a biblical counselor through ACBC in February of 2020 after completion of all 3 phases of training and supervision… #3 People were Counseled: Acts 20:20 how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house, · Pastors are not only called to the public ministry of the Word, but also the personal ministry of the Word to particular issues and problems of people’s lives… · In 2020 (for reference), Pastor Daniel counseled 7 different individual or family units (either individual, married couple, or married couple with children), 10 people, 48 formal counseling meetings (ranging anywhere from 1 to 2 hours… Well over 60 hours of biblical counseling ministry… · In 2021 (for reference), Pastor Daniel counseled 14 different individual or family units (either individual, married couple, or married couple with children), 25 people, 75 formal counseling meetings (ranging from 1 - 2 hours… Well over 90 hours of biblical counseling ministry… 40 of these counseling meetings were supervised by a more seasoned mentor pastor… · In 2022, Pastor Daniel Counseled 31 different individual or family units (either individual, married, couple, or married couple with children), 43 people, ~110 formal counseling meetings (ranging from 1 - 2 hours… Well over 150 hours of biblical counseling ministry…10 of these counseling meetings were supervised by a more seasoned mentor pastor in completion of ACBC certification… · In 2020-2021 (for reference), Pastor Wood counseled 2 different couples for premarital counseling, total of 4 people, 15 formal counseling meetings for about 20 hours of counseling care. · In 2022, Pastor Wood counseled 6 different individual or family units, and then several youth informal counseling conversations topics from school pressures, family dynamics and conflict, aftermath and prevention of suicide, handling bullies, peer pressure, crisis situations and more for countless hours of counsel and care #4 Pastors Led: Acts 20:28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. · The pastors led preaching/teaching, discipleship, and counseling care ministry. · Weekly pastors’ meetings to pray for the congregation, encourage one another, discuss discipleship ministry in the church, review the previous service & sermons, and plan new future services and ministry, and pray for our church. · The pastors planned and led the worship services as God called them to do. · The pastors led the prayer service. · Pastors led our business/members meetings. · In 2022, Daniel led a second annual childcare workers children's safety training and awareness… · Pastors led us in our church mission and centered commitments (Preaching, Discipleship, Great Commission). · Pastors led us to consider Great Commission partnerships and missionary opportunities and partnerships. · Pastors led administratively with website content, YouTube sermon channel, podcast, audio sermon website, social media, various meetings, church activity, and initiatives scheduled, planned and oversaw by them with the help of many others also involved like our church secretary, committee members, and overall church membership involvement… · Pastors also led in SBC association involvement hosting and leading our NGRBA meeting, watching the annual meeting online to be aware of action items, resources, and initiatives in our denomination. #5 Deacons Served: 1 Timothy 3:13 For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. · Deacons served and became aware of needs through the contact and care lists. · Deacons discussed and implemented various benevolence initiatives in 2022 as there were increasing needs this year and they served well and met many needs. · Intercessory Prayer & Gospel Motivated Giving. · Monthly Deacons Meetings to Care for Practical Service Needs. · Served by greeting, ushering, and passing along prayer needs as they were made aware. · Served by planning the Naomi Banquet planning to honor our widows. · Participated and Served during Christmas Eve Service. #6 Trustees Fixed & Maintained: Nehemiah4:6 So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work. · Regular facility maintenance. · Also, parsonage maintenance. #7 Music Ministry Led in Worship Through Song: Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. · Led us in weekly God glorifying music! · Celebration choir potlucks and training. · Many God glorifying rehearsals! · 2 Cantatas (Easter & Christmas). · Good Friday & Thanksgiving Community Choir Services. · Community Choir Christmas Concert. #8 The Congregation Supported in Gospel Motivated Giving: 2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. · Our members generously gave to provide for the salaries of 4 staff employees including two pastors, a church secretary, and custodian. · Our members have continued to regularly, generously, and sacrificially give to maintain and grow ministry motivated by the Gospel!!! · Special missions’ offerings MMO, Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon, Love offering given to Parkison’s, Love offering taken up for a family in need (& also decided to support in monthly partnership and even sent a Christmas Care Package, donations for Haiti taken up in Sunday School class. · Members participated in our bi-annual Ministerial Alliance giving for local benevolence care. · The congregation decided to utilize funds for the installation of a new digital church sign based on feedback from our sign committee and a congregational decision. #9 Fellowship was Cultivated: 1 John1:3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. · Potluck meals (Easter Breakfast, New Members Carry-In Dinner, Youth Ministry Fundraiser Dinner, Pastor’s Appreciation Dinner, Harvest Christmas Dinner) · Lake Viking Potluck Cookout fellowship & concert overlooking the lake. · Keenagers monthly meal and fellowship led by the Laney’s! · 2nd annual brotherhood men’s ministry fishing tournament. · New women’s ministry began and had their first Christmas gathering event! · Bi-monthly Women’s Coffee fellowship. · Baby shower hosted. · Keenagers Monthly Ministry with a meal, fellowship, teaching and discussion. · Superbowl fellowship gathering and devotion at halftime. · Trunk or Treat participation on the square and handed out tons of candy and hundreds of church information flyers while inviting many to Pioneer Clubs. · Multiple Reach Youth Group Outings & Events: Nerf Night, Movie Night, 2 girls events – Spa Night and Paint Night, MS & HS Bonfires, MS & HS Fall Party, Boys event watching the Chiefs game at the Marshall’s house. · 2 weeks of Youth Camp and Children’s camp. · Wood and Ashley attended sporting events, band competitions, and miscellaneous school events. · Pioneer Club meetings cultivating fellowship amongst leaders as well as discipleship and witnessing opportunities with the students. · VBS end of summer presentation and fellowship at the pool party at the Gallatin Golf clubhouse pool. #10 People were Cared for and Served: Philippians2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, · Christmas boxes materials donated, packed, and shipped by our church. · Meals provided during Pioneer club, youth nights, and all week during VBS. · Meal trains for those in need. · Blood Drives hosted at our church building. · Youth group clothing, food, school supplies given. · Hospital visitation, home fellowship, hospitality. · Funerals were conducted and the hospitality committee prepared meals. · Reach Youth: MS & HS Christmas event delivering baskets to our older church members. Also, clothing, hygiene items, food, school supplies and small amounts of money for transportation for anyone with a need. · Benevolence help distributed through FBC Gallatin. And also, through our Ministerial Alliance cooperation.


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