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To all visitors of FBC Gallatin,


We are so glad that you visited our church (or our website as you may be learning more about us online before visiting) and we would like to provide this packet of information for you to get to know what we’re all about here at First Baptist Church of Gallatin. I am so pleased to be a part of and also to introduce you to the Biblical ministry that is going on here at our church. And we are all eager to get know you more as you also get to know us more by attending our services and meeting the members of our church.


The information below outlines important sermon series and other content related to our church that can all be found online at our website, Facebook page, Podcast, and on our YouTube channel. To be clear, there is a lot of information about church membership in this packet, but we are interested in connecting with you and getting to know you even before you might or might not decide to make FBC Gallatin your church home. And on that note, please feel free to reach out & connect however you might be comfortable. And I look forward to getting to know you personally and hope you feel welcome here and that you are encouraged in the Word & Gospel during your visit.


Please fill out the “guest connection card” in the bulletin if you’d like to connect, also, feel free to talk with any of us in person as well. If you are new to the town or to our church, and would like to visit over coffee, tea, or lemonade; Pastor Wood Marshall and I would love to schedule a meeting to visit and get to know you more at your convenience. You can request this visit using the connection card, talking to one of us, or even mentioning it to one of our greeters or members of our church who will let us know. Thank you for being here with us as we seek to glorify God by building each other up and reaching out as our mission statement indicates! 


Sincerely, Pastor Daniel Pelichowski


Church Membership Information & Resources to Learn more about FBC Gallatin: 


In addition to meeting with the pastors to discuss your membership interests and them getting to know you better (you can meet with them before or after looking into the below resources), please also look through the below identified sermons and documents including our church covenant and confession of faith to give you a better idea of the commitments and mission focus of our church to see if you want to pursue discipleship growth here as a member of FBC Gallatin. We are praying for you as you look for a church to grow in! Please let us know if you have any questions (also please note, that though we do want you to read through this to see the sermon outlines that are not required to watch and to read other information on this page, we have added a link to all the required videos on our YouTube page posted at the bottom below to make it convenient and for you to easily keep track of what you have already completed).


"Centered Church Goals"-  Watch/Listen to this sermon which was preached at the very beginning of 2023 putting forward key principles of ministry at FBC Gallatin and annually evaluated and pursued as outlined in our yearly pastor's report given at the end of each year. 10 goals for our church and the Christian life: #1 Word #2 Discipleship #3 Counsel #4 Shepherd #5 Serve #6 Maintain #7 Support #8 Sing #9 Fellowship #10 Care.


Sermon Series: “Centered Commitments"  (Watch/listen to at least the "Expository Preaching" sermon in the series online and also at least read the below descriptions of the other sermons in the series)


"Centered Church" — There are so many good things that churches can be doing at any given time, but there are certain things they must be doing if they are going to be centered church on what God has revealed. Sermon Points: #1 Word Centered #2 Gospel (Message) Centered #3 Disciple (Messenger) Centered.


"Expository Preaching" — Preaching that is Word centered and Gospel centered for the building up of the people of God is most glorifying to God. Sermon Points: What is expository preaching? #1 An explanation of the Word #2 Centered on the Gospel #3 Aimed at growing & making disciples Why do you need expository preaching? #1 The Word is the standard of your life #2 The Gospel encourages believers #3 The Word & Gospel builds you up (Watch/Listen Online).


"Intentional Discipleship" — God is glorified when churches and Christians prioritize growing and helping others grow in the Christian life of discipleship. Sermon Points: Building Up Disciples: #1 Growing by the Word #2 Growing in the Gospel #3 Growing as Disciples Discipling Each Other: #1 Discuss the Word #2 Apply the Gospel #3 Live among Disciples.


"The Great Commission" — The Great Commission has more to do with your local church than you might have previously considered. Sermon Points: #1 Word Centered Great Commission #2 Gospel Centered Great Commission #3 Disciple Centered Great Commission.


Sermon Series: “Gospel Motivated Partnerships”: (Watch/Listen to sermon online)


As a church participating in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) please watch this sermon titled "Gospel Motivated Partnerships" to get a picture of our cooperation with other like-minded churches for Great Commission endeavors. The sermon explains why we are seeking Gospel motivated partnerships, not only through the Cooperative Program (CP) of the Southern Baptist Convention, but also promoting a vision that all of our participation and partnerships are due to our like-minded vision of ministry with other likeminded churches, ministries, pastors, and missionaries. 


As you will hear, our cooperation with the Great Commission Southern Baptists is robust, but we always evaluate all of our partnerships based on the Gospel and our Centered Church Commitments as a Word, Gospel, and Disciple Centered Church. This means that we seek align all of our ministry with this “bullseye” focus through our commitment to Expository Preaching, Intentional Discipleship, and the Great Commission, all to fulfill our mission of "glorifying God by building up and reaching out!"


This sermons purpose is to provide an overview of our Local, Domestic, and International cooperation and focuses on displaying our Gospel Motivated Partnerships, and also demonstrates the great reach that we have as a local church in partnering with other believers for the Glory of God in the fulfilling of the Great Commission. Please watch this sermon if you are interested in church membership to hopefully get excited about the ministry going on through FBC Gallatin. Please also note that there is of course always more to be said on this topic in terms of all of our partnerships entail in the SBC and beyond, and that there may be even more partnerships added from the time this sermon was first preached on 5/8/22.  


On that note, FBC Gallatin has recently (at the end of 2020) hosted one of our IMB missionaries that are now serving in South East Asia to get to know them personally, and also partner with them in prayer and occasional video conferences and meetings. We also partner with a local DOM (Director of Mission) and association (NGRBA) through undesignated giving and support as well. Furthermore, in 2022, FBC Gallatin had the privilege to get to know and support the ministry of the director of the Abu Dhabi extension campus of Gulf Theological Seminary who is doing the great work of training pastors and church workers who are serving all over the world. Click here to see photos of some of these partnerships. 


Sermon Series: “Understanding our Church Doctrine” (Watch/Listen online to any needing clarification after reading the BF&M 2000 below)

Read through the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 as well as the corresponding 19 BF&M series outlines and let us know if you have any questions or clarifications regarding what we believe together as a church. We have also been teaching through the BF&M during our monthly business/members meetings so you can listen to any available sermons introducing our doctrinal statement & also short sermons on each of the below articles from the BF&M (2000) if you have any questions.


·        I. The Scriptures

·        II. God

·        III. Man

·        IV. Salvation

·        V. God’s Purpose of Grace

·        VI. The Church

·        VII. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

·        VIII. The Lord’s Day

·        IX. The Kingdom

·        X. Last Things

·        XI. Evangelism and Missions

·        XII. Education

·        XIII. Stewardship

·        XIV. Cooperation

·        XV. The Christian and the Social Order

·        XVI. Peace and War

·        XVII. Religious Liberty

·        XVIII. The Family


Sermon Series: “Understanding our Church Covenant” (Watch/Listen to all these short sermons on our church covenant)


Church Covenant: "Introduction" — Brief introduction of the study of our church covenant during our monthly business meetings.


Church Covenant: "Commitment" — Explaining and applying the first paragraph of our church covenant. Sermon Points: #1 Belief, #2 Baptism, #3 Commitment.


Church Covenant: "Ministry" — Explaining and applying the second paragraph of our church covenant. Sermon Points: #1 Loving Ministry, #2 Biblical Ministry, #3 Fruitful Ministry.


Church Covenant: "Witness" — Explaining and applying the third paragraph of our church covenant. Sermon Points: #1 Family Discipleship, #2 Personal Evangelism, #3 Christian Unity.


Church Covenant: "Care" — Explaining and applying the final section of our church covenant addressing the way a church is like a healthy family. Sermon Points: #1 Loving Family #2 Reconciling Family #3 Accountable Family.


Church Covenant:


Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of the Church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of its ministry, the expenses of the Church the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.


We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children, including such deeply held religious beliefs of our church concerning marriage and sexuality (see Statement of Faith); to see the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to avoid all tattling, backbiting and excessive anger; to abstain from intoxication; and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.


We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech, to be slow to take offence, but ready always for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.


We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other Church, where we can carry out the spirit of the covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


Sermon Series: “Understanding Ordinances & Membership” (Watch/Listen especially "Benefitting from Membership," & "Benefiting from the Discipleship Commission." Also, if you are pursuing baptism, watch "Benefiting from Baptism" in addition to meeting with the pastors for further discussion. Please also at least read the below descriptions and outlines of the other sermons in the series as well)


Benefiting from Baptism: #1 Public Profession • Commanded • First Act in Response to Salvation • For All to Know and See Unashamedly #2 Gospel Picture • Cleansing of Sin • Union with Christ • Gospel: Death, Burial, Resurrection #3 Church Entrance • Team Christianity Jersey • Church Affirmation of your Profession • Baptized into Membership (Watch/Listen Online)


Benefiting from Communion: Since the Gospel is central to Christianity, the ordinance representing the Gospel should be joyfully celebrated! #1 Remembering • He called his shot • He started a family tradition • Continuing until He Returns #2 Together • Not a private practice • Look around at what He has done • A unifying meal for New Covenant Christians #3 With Joy • Joyfully Forgiven • Joyfully Adopted • Joyfully Committed


Ordinances & Membership: #1 How Do Ordinances Relate to Each Other? • Summaries & Loose Ends • Team Jersey, Team Meal! • Clarifying the "What If's?" #2 What is Church Membership? • Church & Believer Mutual Partnership • Covenant & Doctrine Agreement • Official Team Member #3 How Do Ordinances Relate to Membership? • Baptized: Local Church Membership • Unifying Family Membership Meal • Family Discipline: Oath Sign Withheld


Benefitting from Membership: #1 Benefiting Members Show Up • Bible Study, Worship Service, Ordinances • Prayer Services (1st & 3rd Sunday Evenings) • Business/MEMBERS Meetings (2nd Sunday) #2 Benefiting Members Participate • Spiritual Gifts... • Insightful Spirit Filled Wisdom… • Various Means of Mutual Support... #3 Benefiting Members Experience Family Care • Loving Unity… • Upbuilding Discipleship… • Encouraging Accountability… (Watch/Listen Online)


Benefiting from Preaching: A message about our pursuit of benefiting from the preaching of the word week in and out. #1 Prepare #2 Engage #3 Respond!


Benefiting from the Discipleship Commission: The final sermon in the impromptu makeshift years long "series" really tying preaching, intentional discipleship, and the Great Commission all together with the mission statement of our church. #1 Becoming #2 Growing #3 Going (Watch/Listen Online)


Also Watch on Church Discipline from the Matthew Series (Watch/Listen): 

Matthew 18:15-35 “Church Discipline & Forgiveness” – What do we do when members of our church won’t repent of their sin? Sermon Points: #1 Four Steps of Church Discipline (15-17) #2 The Keys of the Kingdom and Discipline (18-20) #3 Forgive! Don't Discipline the Repentant! (23-35)


1 Corinthians 11:16-34 "Redeeming Contentious Communion" Watch/Listen #1 Divisions Reveal both the Genuine and Fakes (16-19)... #2 Divisions Twist the Purpose of Communion (20-26)... #3 Divisions at Church Could Bring Judgment (27-34)...

FBC Gallatin Renewed Way Forward (watch the below final 3 sermons to get an idea of where we are heading as a church): 

Ephesians 4:11-16 "Still The Way Christ Builds His Church" Watch/Listen – #1 Equippers Equip Christians for Ministry (Eph. 4:11-12)... #2 Gospel Doctrine Unifies and Matures Christians (Eph 4:13-14)... #3 Every Christians is Called to Build Up the Church (Eph. 4:15-16)...

Ephesians 4:15-16 "Properly Working Parts" Watch/Listen – 11 ways our church (you) are building us up in love: #1 You submit to Christ as the Head of the Church!!!! (15) #2 You speak the truth in love!!!! (15) #3 You are growing in your Christian discipleship!!!! (15) #4 You care about others growth in discipleship in the body!!!!! (15) #5 You find Unity in Gospel over Preferences!!!! (13) #6 You are growing in maturity and unimpressed by false doctrine and living!!! (14)… #7 You value and care about gospel teamwork together!!! (16) #8 You hunger to be quipped by the Word!!!!! (16) #9 You encourage healthy accountability to improperly working parts!!! (16) #10 You value spiritual growth in healthy discipleship more than numbers alone!!!! (16) #11 You love to glorify God and see others and yourself built up in love!!! (16). 

Plurality of Pastor/Elders & Deacons" Watch/Listen – #1 Pastor-Elders Lead/Teach/Equip/Protect the Church... #2 Deacons Serve/Free-up/Promote Unity in the Church... #3 Congregation is Equipped to Do Ministry & Make "Key(s)" Decisions Together...

All the membership required videos above can now be accessed in order all in one place on our YouTube page: FBC Gallatin Membership Videos

The Membership Process: The pastors will meet with you to discuss this process at the beginning when you share your interests in church membership, we will meet again to discuss and answer questions after you finish the sermons through the church covenant and have read our church's doctrinal statement (BF&M 2000), & then we will meet again after you finish the 1st Corinthians 11 sermon about warnings of divisions in the church, and then we will meet a final time after you finish the sermon on plurality of elders and deacons & the congregation to discuss membership overall. We will make sure to get to hear your Christian conversion testimony and your understanding of the Gospel along the way, and after you learn more about our church attending services and completing this process, and us learning more about you, we can set a date for baptism and/or membership vote assuming you know the Gospel and are likeminded with FBC Gallatin (if you haven't been baptized your baptism will coincide with membership, and if you have already been baptized at a Gospel preaching church, we will schedule a a congregational membership vote during a Sunday morning service after finishing the process). 

​©2014 First Baptist Gallatin Church. All Rights Reserved.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version​© (ESV​©), copyright ​© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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